Upgrade & Disaster Recovery
Articoli che illustrano le procedure da seguire per l'aggiornamento a nuove versioni del software Endian e per il disaster recovery.
- ★ Migration from Version 5.x to 6.x
- Migration From Version 5.X To 6.X
- Disaster Recovery for Edge X appliances
- HA migration procedure from 3.0 to 5.0
- Disaster Recovery for 5.0 Appliances
- Migration from Version 3.0 to 5.0
- Disaster Recovery for the Hotspot product
- Disaster Recovery for 4i Edge Appliances - alternate version
- Mini repair tool - Mini ARM NAND Recovery
- Migration to version 3.0 via Image Installation - Disaster recovery 3.0 (x86/Intel)
- Get Ready for the 2.5 to 3.0 Upgrade!
- Troubleshooting migration process to 3.0
- Migration to version 3.0 - via Endian Network
- Change Appliance's Boot Order and Reinstall the System
- Endian Installation USB Flash Drive
- Disaster Recovery for ARM Appliances