Applies to platform: UTM 2.5.X
Updated on: 30th June 2014
Troubleshooting the Upgrade Process
Upgrade process
In case the upgrade process does not start, you can force it by opening the SSH console and running:
root@endian:~# efw-update update && efw-update upgrade
This will restart the whole process. After that, run the following command to make sure all the post-upgrade script are executed:
root@endian:~# run-parts /etc/upgrade/upgrade.d/
The Hotspot Administration interface is not working.
From an SSH or Console session, run the following command:
root@endian:~# jobcontrol restart hotspot --force
Hotspot users and/or open sessions are not working?
From an SSH or Console session, run the following commands:
root@endian:~# jobcontrol call hotspot.fix
If this doesn’t correct the issue, please run the following command:
root@endian:~# jobcontrol call hotspot.rebuild
To test whether Hotspot authentication is working properly, run this command:
root@endian:~# hotspot-commandline -t
If you experience some issue with the hotspot database, run the following command to ensure it is migrated corectly:
root@endian:~# jobcontrol restart hotspot --force --migratedb --debug
Endian Management Interface (EMI)
EMI is not accessible anymore
From an SSH or Console session, run the following commands (in order):
root@endian:~# jobcontrol restart emi
Endian Netwok
If the system appears as offline on the Endian Network, issue the following command from the console:
root@endian:~# jobcontrol restart enclient