
Disaster Recovery for Edge X appliances

This lesson introduces Disaster Recovery, an easy to use and reliable solution for the automatic on the fly recovery of a broken system. Using Disaster Recovery you can restore your system from a broken and unusable state and import the most recent backup and have again a working system.


This procedure is only valid for the Appliances equipped with the 6.0 Version. Instructions for older version can be found in the Upgrade & Disaster Recovery section of the Help Center.


  • Disaster Recovery Image (see next section)
  • Endian hardware Appliance target machine (EdgeX)
  • (Optional) Recent backup (Current configuration and Include database dumps are to be selected when creating the backup)
  • (Optional) USB to micro USB for serial console connection

Before Starting the Recovery

 Before actually starting the recovery, it is necessary to carry out these steps:

1. Download the Disaster Recovery Image

The image file of Disaster Recovery can be downloaded from:

2. Create the Disaster Recovery USB Flash Drive (4i-EdgeX)

Once you have downloaded the file, you need to create an Installation USB Flash Drive.

We strongly recommend to follow this guide to flash USB key correctly.

On Linux it can be done using dd:

sudo dd if=<IMAGE_PATH>/endian_4i-edge-x_6.0.0_recovery_fws2275_20200323085320.iso of=/dev/sdc status=progress
sudo sync

Note that /dev/sdc may vary depending on your plugged devices.

Note that the timestamp after fws2275 may vary.

4i-EdgeX Appliance

The procedure is the following:

  • Make sure the machine boots from USB. If not, you may need to set the proper boot order via serial console. To change the boot order, connect via serial console:
sudo screen /dev/ttyXRUSB0 115200
  • Power on the appliance, and press Canc as soon as you hear the high pitch beep sound. You will be promped to the BIOS to change the boot order. Power off the appliance after saving.
  • Plug the Disaster Recovery USB Flash Drive into the target machine.
  • Boot the target machine:
    • The first Status led will start to blink you and will hear ten beeps meaning the installation has started
    • The second led (Uplink) will start blinking. After some seconds, the third LED will start blinking.
    • During this process all data on your target machine will be erased as the system will be reinstalled from scratch
    • Note: if you do not hear the acoustic signals or see different LED statuses other than the listed above, see the "Troubleshooting" section.
  • After the installation is finished, all the three led will turn green and the appliance will emit a final sweep sound. Power it off after a few seconds.
  • Unplug the Disaster Recovery USB Flash Drive.

First Boot and Backup

After you restart the machine, you can import the backup from the GUI, by going under System > Backup or by importing it while doing the Wizard procedure.

Note: after booting up the installed machine, the first led should turn green. If a DHCP Uplink is connected on ethernet Port 3, the machine will automatically connect to the Internet, and the second LED will turn green.


  • If you do not hear the acoustic signals or the Status LED keeps blinking, please check the boot order or the USB Flash Drive integrity.
  • Mark your Disaster Recovery USB Flash Drive as such and put it away. Booting from that USB Flash Drive prompts no warnings and will erase and re-install your system.

What Disaster Recovery does not do

  • Downgrade to an older version
  • Rollback an upgrade which had issues
  • Recover proxy caches or custom signatures
  • Recover customized scripts and templates
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