Applies to platform: UTM 2.4
Updated on: 23rd April 2014
Troubleshooting the Upgrade Process
Upgrade process
In case the upgrade process does not start, you can force it by opening the SSH console and running:
root@endian:~# efw-update update && efw-update upgrade
This will restart the whole process. After that, run the following command to make sure all the post-upgrade script are executed:
root@endian:~# run-parts /etc/upgrade/upgrade.d/
In case the machine is not reachable anymore after the upgrade, you can re-install the system using Disaster Recovery (see this lesson). The disaster recovery process will install a clean 2.4 version and will also restore your last backup.
If you own a software appliance re-install the system with the original CD-ROM or ask for a new 2.5 ISO image.
Note: Disaster Recovery Key
The Hotspot Administration interface is not working.
From an SSH or Console session, run the following command:
root@endian:~# jobcontrol restart hotspot --force
Hotspot users and/or open sessions are not working?
From an SSH or Console session, run the following commands:
root@endian:~# jobcontrol call hotspot.fix
If this doesn’t correct the issue, please run the following command:
root@endian:~# jobcontrol call hotspot.rebuild
To test whether Hotspot authentication is working properly, run this command:
root@endian:~# hotspot-commandline -t
If you experience some issue with the hotspot database, run the following command to ensure it is migrated corectly:
root@endian:~# jobcontrol restart hotspot --force --migratedb --debug
Endian Management Interface (EMI)
EMI is not accessible anymore
From an SSH or Console session, run the following commands (in order):
root@endian:~# jobcontrol restart emi
In some rare cases, after the upgrade process, it happened that the Endian UTM Appliance was not able to reach the RED zone (i.e., the Internet) anymore. This is due to the uplinksdaemon package to be incorrectly marked as upgraded and the migration of its settings as succesful. To check the current version of the uplinksdaemon package, issue the following command:
root@endian:~# rpm -q uplinksdaemon
If the output is uplinksdaemon-2.4.2-0.endian14, then the old package is still installed. To correct the issue, from the console run these commands:
root@endian:~# jobcontrol start uplinksdaemonjob
root@endian:~# efw-update update && efw-update upgrade
After these commands complete, you should have the correct package installed, whose version shall be at least 2.7.X.
Endian Netwok
If the system appears as offline on the Endian Network, issue the following command from the console:
root@endian:~# jobcontrol restart enclient
If your system does not yet feature jobcontrol, use the legacy command:
root@endian:~# restartenclient -fd