Aggregated changelog: 20220124190125
Product | Machine | Version |
switchboard-macro-scb1721 | scb1721 | 6.2.1 |
switchboard-virtual-x64 | softwarex86-64 | 6.2.1 |
Switchboard API
SB-3379 Bug: User can still use old password after changing it via API changePassword
Switchboard Connection management
SB-3371 Bug: User cannot use direct access if assigned to a gateway without endpoints
Switchboard Database
SB-3340 Bug: Improve queries related to User or Gateway editing
Switchboard Settings
SB-3373 Bug: Enabling Portal before setting FQDN locks user out of the GUI
Product | Machine | Version |
4i-edge-x | fws2275 | 6.2.1 |
switchboard-macro-scb1721 | scb1721 | 6.2.1 |
switchboard-virtual-x64 | softwarex86-64 | 6.2.1 |
Core Base system
CORE-4695 Bug: toscawidgets calls a useless time consuming logging function
OS Buildsystem Tools
EOS-2161 Improvement: Upgrade netifyd to 3.11
UTM VPN: Client
UTM-2820 Bug: TCP openvpn clients stop working after update