
Switchboard Changelog For Version 6.1.4 - 2021-05-31

Aggregated changelog: 20210531122154

Product Machine Version
4i-edge-x fws2275 6.1.4

UTM Enterprise Network: Wireless

ENTERPRISE-2445 Bug: Wireless AP also starts in slave mode

UTM Enterprise Service: High Availability

ENTERPRISE-2404 Task: Add efw-ha dependency on 4i-edge-x image
ENTERPRISE-2467 Bug: Revert efw-ha dependency on 4i-edge-x image

Product Machine Version
switchboard-macro-scb1721 scb1721 6.1.4
switchboard-virtual-x64 softwarex86-64 6.1.4

Switchboard API

SB-3210 Improvement: A user is authenticated twice when present on multiple organizations

Switchboard GUI

SB-3264 Bug: Portal login not showing warnings when logging in with invalid credentials

Switchboard Provisioning

SB-3199 Bug: Weak algorithm tickbox from provisioning does not exist

Product Machine Version
4i-edge-x fws2275 6.1.4
switchboard-macro-scb1721 scb1721 6.1.4
switchboard-virtual-x64 softwarex86-64 6.1.4

Core Kernel

CORE-4554 Bug: usb stick is no longer automounted

Core Network configuration

CORE-4065 Bug: Network status page shows only one IP for each device

OS Buildsystem Tools

EOS-2109 Bug: Upgrade uglify-js to 3.13.7

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