With the most recent Windows 10 build updates, it can happens that the "EndianConnect" TAP device will be hidden and an new TAP device is created with a different name (usually happens after Fall Creator update).
If you try to rename the new TAP device with the name "EndianConnect" you will receive an error that a TAP device with the same name already exist but if you check under Network devices and hardware device (also for hidden hardware devices) nothing is shown.
This is because the TAP device called "EndianConnect" is still present in Windows 10 registry.
In order to resolve this problem, please follow these steps:
- Open regedit.exe as administrator.
- Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Network
- Look for {4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}
- Search using the name of the current TAP interface (might be Ethernet 9 or something else depending on the number of the interfaces).
- Change it to EndianConnect.
- Reboot the system
After this procedure, you will have the TAP device properly named "EndianConnect".