
How to Connect Non-Endian Gateways to the Switchboard

  Version 5.0   Version 6.0

Applies to Platform: Switchboard 5.0
Last update: 04 June 2014

Applies to Platform: Switchboard 6.0
Last update: 09 Dec 2024

This article will guide you through how to configure an Endian Switchboard to allow non-Endian gateways to connect.

Since you can connect also non-Endian gateways to the switchboard, it is strongly suggested to use the following procedure if you have any gateways that utilize an OpenVPN version below 2.3

You will need to navigate to Switchboard > Settings > Provisioning and add 2 new models by clicking on the Add row button right above the list of models.

  1. A Generic-new model, that will be used for gateways equipped with a version of OpenVPN at least 2.3 included. Make sure that in the OpenVPN >= 2.3 column the value is yes.
  2. A Generic-old model, that will be used for gateways equipped with versions of OpenVPN older than 2.3 included. Click on the yes label in the OpenVPN >= 2.3 column and select no.


The reason for this choice is that OpenVPN versions up to 2.2 does not support virtual IP mapping, and therefore gateways using these older versions must be accessed using their real IP.

If you use non-endian gateways with OpenVPN greater than 2.3, that support OpenVPN mapping, you can access them using the Connect Web Portal, but you can not provision them: They must be registered manually.

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