
How to connect to Endian Switchboard using Endian Connect App

Valid for: Endian Connect App (3.11.5 or higher)
Updated on: December 12 2024


This article will walk a new user through connecting to the Endian Switchboard with the Endian Connect App.

In order to proceed, you should have the following:

  1. A running instance of an Endian Switchboard


Connect App Configuration

To begin you will need to download the Connect App for your operating system from Endian Network:


Next, launch the installation wizard by double-clicking the installation file and follow the on-screen steps to complete it.  

Once completed, you can open the Connect App for the first time to setup your new connection to the Endian Switchboard.

The profile box will initially be empty.  In order to create a new connection, click the Settings (gear box) next to the Profile drop-down and you will be redirected to the connection profile editor (see below).

Use the following information to complete the profile:

  1. Profile name: any generic name for connection
  2. Server type: Switchboard
  3. Server address: your Switchboard FQDN
  4. Username : your username used to access to the Switchboard
  5. Organization (optional): your organization (we'll use as example)
  6. Password : your password used to access to the Switchboard

Once done, click Ok and you will be redirected to the Connect App main screen.  

Click on Sign In to establish a connection to your Endian Switchboard.  Once connected, the Connect App will expand to full screen and show you the main Connections tab.

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